Terms and Conditions

Who We Are

Essay Writing Lab is a platform where you can order research work on essays, dissertations, and other assignments. Freelance writers prepare all our writing services, including essays and dissertations (defined here as products onward).

We ensure product delivery to all our customers pertaining to conditions including:

  • An order paid in full
  • All required information for order completion, which must be provided by the Customer


By using this website, placing your Order, or ticking the Terms and Conditions (T&C) box, the Customer agrees to all clauses mentioned on this page. If you do not agree to any of the T&C, you should not use or access this site, or utilize any services offered by the company.

We offer no guarantees to the customers if they violate any of the Terms and Conditions covered on this page.

Important Terms

“Agreement” – refers to these Terms and Conditions.

‘Company’ refers to Careersboost Limited that offers the services that are outlined in this agreement.

The Company offers independent writing and research services to customers as per terms defined in this Agreement.

“Writer” – is a freelancer who agreed to work with the Company to provide writing and research services under the Company’s T&C.

“Customer” – is a person seeking to purchase our Product and services as per their requirement and completes an order with the Company governed by the T&Cs mentioned in this Agreement.

“Order” – is an electronic request for a paid service made by the Customer for a particular product or service.

“Order Status” – This defines an order’s progress at a particular stage.

“Product” – is a document the Company provides in an electronic format as a final draft of order completion.

“Product Revision” – is an edited version of the original Product. The Customer initiates the product revision to fit their requirements.

“Support-Team” or “Support” – this team is a part of our company’s organizational structure to assist with and coordinate order processing.

“Quality Assurance Department” – A Company’s unit responsible for guarding and evaluating each Product and service we offer.

“Messaging System” – this is an interactive feature that enables the communication between the Customer, Writer, and Support.

“Verification Process” – A procedure a Customer must fulfil to confirm their billing identity. The protocol is in place to prevent any fraud.

“Store Credit” – refers to the Customer’s money account within the Company.

1. Nature of Products and Terms of Usage

1.1. The Company provides writing services completed by outsourced freelance writers. The Company delivers essays, dissertations, and other writing services on an “as is” basis. The Customer is responsible for using these products and services at their own risk. All Products provided by the Company are for research/reference purposes only. The Company is not responsible for the Customer’s grade. The Company is also not responsible for the Customer’s failure to use the provided Product and research adequately or appropriately.

1.2. “Company” refers to Careersboost Limited that offers the services that are outlined in this agreement.

2.    Order Process

2.1  Placing an Order

When completing an Order form, a Customer must provide a valid email address as well as a phone number to be reached at (preferably both home and mobile phone numbers). There may be multiple occasions when the Company may need to contact the Customer during Order preparation. In case the Customer failed to provide correct information, the Company shall not be held responsible for any Order delays or quality issues for the Order

2.2 Instructions

The Company works as per Customer’s instructions. Therefore, these instructions must be precise and clear. If the provided instructions are incorrect or the Company requires additional instructions for Order completion, the Customer must provide the necessary information and instructions as soon as possible. In case of any revision request, the revisions must only be based on the Customer’s initial description and original Order requirements. If changes requested are different from the initial instructions, this will account for “editing.” This will be an additional service, and the Company will not provide any free revisions for any request deviating from the original Order. The Customer must send all instructions, additional information and requests before the Company can assign a writer to complete the Customer’s Order. Failure to meet this prerequisite will violate this Agreement and the Customer’s forfeiture of any claims to any implied guarantee or warranty.

2.3 Sources

A Writer has the permission to use any relevant sources available to help complete the requested research, essay, dissertation, and other assignments. These include online publications, books, newspapers, journals, interviews, etc. However, a Customer can mention specific sources they wish the Writer to use. Similarly, a Customer can also mention specific sources that they want the Writer to ignore. In case the Customer needs the Writer to use specific resources crucial for the completion of the Order, the Company expects the Customer to provide this information within a given time frame as follows:

  • Order Completion within 48 hours to 10 days: The Company must receive instructions and all sources within the first 8 hours.
  • Order Completion within 12 hours to 24 hours: The Company must receive instructions and all sources within the first 1 hour.
  • Order Completion within 12 hours or less: The Company must receive instructions and all sources within the first 20 minutes.

Due to the nature of Service, a Writer cannot and does not conduct a survey if such one is needed for Product completion. Survey data same as other results of real experiments must be provided by a Customer equally to the specific sources materials that need to be used.

2.4 Matching of the Academic Level

It is solely the Customer’s responsibility to choose the correct academic level of the assignment that best fits the requirement at the time of placing an order. In case the Customer makes an error while placing an order, they must immediately contact our Support Team for assistance with the correction. This is important as the Writer will only complete the Order according to the academic level and other requirements mentioned in the received Order.

2.5 Checking the Messaging System

Our Messaging System is an easy and convenient way to communicate. The Customer must check for any updates on their Order and any other correspondence from the Support Team or the assigned Writer. The Customer must also promptly address/reply to any questions, concerns from our Support Team and Writer. Additionally, the Customer should also provide us with any additional instructions using this interactive feature.

2.6 Incorrect Order Placement

The Company reserves the right to deny processing or resubmitting the Customer’s Order in the event where the details provided by the Customer are inconsistent or do not match Order’s original description. An additional payment may be required if the Customer fails to do the following but not limited to:

  • provide the correct description
  • choose the right Product
  • provide the correct urgency
  • advise on Writer level upgrade

See 3.1 for detailed information.

2.7 Tracking Order Process

We highly encourage the Customer to stay in touch with our Support Team and Writers. The Customer must also monitor Order Progress through their personal account on our website. Possible statuses of the Order are as follows:

  • Awaiting Payment – Albeit after registering the Order with the Company’s system, the Customer must make the payment first. The Company will only start working on the Order after the successful payment from the Customer.
  • Research Has Started – This indicates that the Order is successfully paid, and our Researchers are currently preparing the required material/s for the Writers to complete the Order.
  • Work in Progress – The Writer is working on your Order.
  • Completed – The Product/Assignment has been uploaded for Customer’s Review. The Customer is welcome to download it from their personal account on our website.
  • Returned for Revision – A Writer is currently revising the Product as per the Customer’s instructions.
  • Hold – Our Support Team has put the Order on hold, and the Writer has temporarily stopped working on it. The Customer must visit the Messaging board on their personal profile for detailed information or contact our Support Team.
  • Cancelled – The Order is cancelled.

2.8 The Customer can request an initial draft from the Writer. However, the Company does not guarantee to provide a draft for Orders with urgent submissions, or the ones with 3 to 48 hours urgency.

2.9 Preferred Writer

When placing an Order, the Customer can request or indicate a preferred Writer assigned to their Order. However, the Company reserves the right to decline a request for a preferred Writer based on the Writer’s history, quality of work and lateness, or other issues that might jeopardize or delay Order completion. The Company will inform the Customer about the decision on the preferred Writer request and provide supporting materials. If the Customer insists on assigning their chosen Writer, the Company will not be responsible for the Writer’s failure to deliver high-quality Products on time.

3. Prices and Payment

3.1 The Company cannot start working on Customer’s Order until the Customer makes full payment for the Product(s) and/or Service(s). In case the Company notifies the Customer that an additional payment is needed for the Order, the Customer must process it as soon as possible. The delay of additional Payment may lead to a delay in the Order’s completion. The Company will not provide any compensation for such delays.

3.2 All prices are specified on the Website. However, the Company reserves the right to adjust the prices at its sole discretion due to an increase in costs, increase or imposition of any taxes, duty, other levies, variation in exchange rates, or other unforeseeable errors. All the prices for the Products exclude any taxes and international fees that shall be paid by the Customer.

3.3 The Company is not responsible for any fraudulent activity. The Customer bears all responsibility for any unauthorized transactions made through the website. This includes but is not limited to the Customer’s account credential safety, debit card, and/or credit card security.

3.4 Depending on the Order type, quality level, and urgency, a Customer’s Payment can be sent to different billing companies.

3.5 Discounts

The Customer must be attentive and precise when completing the Order form. The Customer cannot apply a discount code to an Order after making the Payment. The Company is under no obligation to provide any compensation or replacement in case the Customer did not use a code when placing an order. Special offers or discounts on the Company’s products or services may not be used together. Furthermore, the special offers and discounts cannot be combined with any additional services.

4. Delivery/Downloading Policy

4.1 The deadline dates chosen by the Customers when placing an Order (whether provided on the Website in the Order confirmation or elsewhere) are only estimates and not a guarantee that the Company will deliver the Product by the given date. The Company reserves all the rights to delay the delivery of the Product if the Customer was notified of it and had no objection to it. In such scenarios, the Company will not be liable to provide any refunds or compensation to the Customer. Should the Customer have any objection, they must communicate it to the Support Team in writing through the Message board on their account on the website or via email.

4.2 In case the Customer receives the Product and requests a revision after the initial deadline; no refunds will be issued to the Customer. The deadline estimates are set for the initial Product delivery only. The free revision is executed without any compensation for deadline estimates change.

4.3 In case of timely delivery of the ordered Product, the Company will not be responsible for the Customer’s failure to download the Product. The Customer will be billed for the service rendered, and the Company will not provide or guarantee any refunds at this point, as the company has to pay the Writer for the completed work submitted on time.

5. Verification Process

5.1 It is the Company’s top priority to protect the Customers’ billing information and eliminate fraud. The Company is under obligation by the authorities and the banks and its merchant providers to protect the credit card holders purchasing from us. No handwritten signature is required as a proof of delivery because of the nature of the Company’s business, its Products and Services, and the fact that these are delivered electronically. However, the Customer must pass 3D secure Verification for each Payment made.

5.2 The Company reserves all the rights to request a Customer to provide a screenshot/print-screen of their online banking showing our charge. However, the Customer can hide all other charges that are not related to the Company. Everything a Customer provides to pass the Verification process will never be shared with any third parties. The Company will never use the requested copies for any other purpose and only for the Customer’s identity verification. For the Customer’s security, the Company does not store any documents or files sent for verification. The Company immediately deletes these copies/documents/files upon successful verification. The Company reserves all rights to forward the Customer’s credit card/debit card details (without notifying the Customer) to another payment merchant/service provider in case card authorization fails at the first attempt.

5.3 When the Company requests verification of Customer’s billing information, it is the Customer’s sole responsibility to immediately respond/comply. This is to ensure that the Customer’s billing information meets the Company’s procedures and anti-fraud policies. In case the Company cannot complete the Order on time due to delay in Verification, the Customer will be required to set a new deadline upon successful completion of Verification.

5.4 Using a stolen credit card is prohibited by law, and the Company will report any such unauthorized use of credit card to relevant law enforcement agencies for further investigation. The Company works closely with the relevant authorities to fight cybercrimes and convey any or all fraudulent Orders and Payments for prosecution.

6. Termination

6.1 The Company reserves all the rights to cancel any paid Order(s) at its own discretion if there is a lack of communication/cooperation from the Customer’s end that affects Order completion. The Company reserves all the rights to cancel any paid Order(s) at its own discretion if the Company suspects the Customer engaged in fraudulent activity. The Company does not guarantee any reimbursement for any of the above-mentioned scenarios. The Company shall also have sole discretion to initiate and take necessary action it sees fit based on specific circumstances for each case.

7. Revision

7.1 The Free Revision policy offered by the Company is a courtesy service to ensure total customer satisfaction with their completed Order. In order to receive free revision, the Customer must make the request within fourteen (14) days from the date they receive the completed Order. For dissertations, research proposal, thesis, thesis proposal, and dissertation chapters, the Customer has thirty (30) days to request a free revision. In case the Customer misses the policy deadline, they may choose to revise the Order; however, an additional payment will be required, or a Customer may be able to place a new order for editing.

7.2 Company’s Quality Assurance Department reserves all the rights to limit the number of revisions or even decline a request for revision. These scenarios include but not limited to; changes in the Customer’s initial order details, taking advantage of the Writer, unreasonable return of a delivered assignment, and an obvious abuse of free revision option.

7.3 If a revision request violates the Customer’s original instructions, the Company’s Quality Assurance Department reserves the right to decline such a request. However, if the request is in-line with the Customer’s initial guidelines, the Company will be ready to revise the Customer’s Order to meet any initial requirements without any additional charges.

8. Plagiarism Policy

8.1 A Customer can add a Plagiarism Report service to their Order for an additional price. Once included in the Order, the Company will provide a copy of a Plagiarism report for relevant Product upon delivery. The Company is under no obligation to provide a Plagiarism report for any Revisions.

8.2 An Order may contain a minor percentage of plagiarism. The Company tries its best to control the work quality. However, due to the nature of freelance writing work, the Company cannot always guarantee the quality of the Product and/or the work.

 9. Satisfaction Guarantee

9.1 The Company aims to complete the Product Order according to the Customer’s initial instructions.

9.2 The Company cannot and does not offer guarantees that any of its writing services, such as proofreading, editing, and formatting, will be free of plagiarism. The Company will not scan or review any papers or other material for plagiarism that is not written or produced by the Company.

9.3 The Customer must communicate all refund and cancellation requests in writing to the Support Team via email or the Order Messaging System. If a Customer is not satisfied with the delivered Product or receives a Product after their specified deadline, the Customer may submit a request for a free revision for the Order. However, it is at Company’s sole discretion to approve or deny such requests on a case to case basis.

9.4 The Company may be able to offer a full refund to the Customer at any time before assigning the Writer. In case a Customer places an Order by mistake, places a duplicate Order, or realizes that the Company should not complete the Order for any reason, the Customer must immediately notify the Support Team on refund request or cancellation request. The Customer will not be able to get a full refund once the Company has assigned a Writer to the Order. The writer has already spent efforts and time on the Order and must receive compensation for the work completed so far.

9.5 If a Customer requests a refund due to the Product’s bad quality, they must provide valid and strong reasons along with examples to back up their claim within 72 hours of Order completion. It is only after the Customer provides an extended list of violations; the Company will forward the refund request to the Quality Assurance Department for further investigation and/or approval. Please note that the Company has the right to ask for evidence and additional material/s supporting your refund request. The Quality Assurance Department reserves all the rights to decline any refund enquiry if the Customer fails to provide any of the aforementioned documents or information at the time of making a refund request.

9.6 if the Company issues a full refund or an Order becomes unpaid after the completion of Product delivery, the Company retains full authorship rights for the Product delivered/completed and reserves the rights to use it as Company sees fit. The Company can distribute, share, and even resell the completed Product to other third parties. The Customer who received the refund is not eligible to use this Product for any purpose.

9.7 The Company reserves all the rights to only issue a partial refund or store credit to the Customer if:

  • The Customer cancels an Order with a “Work In Progress” status. The Customer may be eligible to get up to 60% refund or store credit depending on urgency and time.
  • The Customer cancels an Order with a “Hold” status. The Customer may be eligible to get up to 60% refund or store credit only if the Writer has not already finished the Order or the amount of work completed by the time the customer requests a refund.
  • The Customer may receive up to 50% refund or store credit if they edit the initial Order details leading to payment decrease before Order completion. The final percentage of refund or store credit will depend on the level of amendments made by the Customer.
  • If the Order delivery is late, but the Customer agrees to extend the delivery deadline, the Company will recalculate the price in accordance with the nearest deadline option. The actual difference in the new price can be up to 20% of the total Order’s amount. The Customer may receive a refund or store credit in their account.
  • If the Order delivery is late, but the Customer has already downloaded the Order but requesting a refund on lateness, the Company will give the difference in price, i.e., up to 20%, only as store credits.

The Company will issue no refunds to the Customer if:

  • A Customer cancels an Order with a “Completed” status.
  • A Customer fails to request a refund within 72 hours after the completion of an Order as the Company will assume that the Customer is satisfied with the delivered Product.
  • A customer expresses dissatisfaction about the quality of the Order but does not provide an extensive list of violations. Any quality complaint is invalid without detailed and reasonable proof. The Company will be unable to investigate any complaints if the Customer fails to provide such evidence.
  • There is a delay in Order delivery due to the Customer’s failure to provide relevant information and material on time, or the Support Team was unable to reach the Customer on the contact information provided by the Customer. In this case, the Customer will not be able to request a refund due to lateness.

9.8. All store credits accepted by a Customer as compensation for the inconvenience are non-refundable. The Store Credits will be debited from the Customer’s account and will no longer be available if the Customer does not use the issued store credits within 365 calendar days from their accrual day.

9.9 The Company’s Short Message Service (SMS) sends alerts to the Customers on their mobile phones as text messages. The Customer agrees to receive these alerts and other updates from the Company by placing an Order. The Company will not be liable for any additional fee Customer’s mobile service provider charges for receiving alerts and updates from the Company.

10 Promotional Materials

10.1 The Company reserves all the rights to contact any Customer by email about new services, special offers, discounts, and any other useful information the Company deems useful for its Customers.

10.2 The Customer gives consent to receiving emails and any other form of digital/electronic communications, including but not limited to; SMS and push notifications sent by the Company and other third parties allowed by the Company.

10.3 The Customer hereby waives any cause of legal action(s) against the Company just for receiving the emails or other form of digital/electronic communication from the company for informative, promotional, or advertisement purposes.

11. Waiver of Breach

11.1 If a Company waives any breach of this Agreement by the Customer, it shall not be considered or held to be applicable to any subsequent or other breaches. All provisions mentioned in this Agreement are subject to change as per requirement or amendments made by the law.

11.2 If the Company fails to maintain the strict performance of any or all clauses in this agreement, this shall be considered a waiver of the Company’s rights or remedies Companies may have for that specific instance only. Such instances shall not be deemed a waiver of the Company’s rights for any subsequent breaches of terms and conditions.

12. Amendments

The Company reserves all the rights to revise, modify, amend or make any changes to any provisions mentioned in this Agreement. The Customer hereby agrees to accept and abide by any amendment, modification, changes, and revisions by the Company at any time during the rendition of services. It is the Customer’s sole responsibility to continue to review this Agreement from time to time for any change on this web page.

13 Entire Agreement

This stated Agreement includes all the stipulations between the Company and the Customer. No statements, inducements, or promises have been made or agreed upon by either parties or agents of whichever party inconsistent with this Agreement. The clauses in this Agreement are binding and valid unless authorized by an amendment to this Agreement. This Agreement is protected and must not be modified, enlarged, or altered except signed and endorsed in writing by both parties. This Agreement supersedes any or all previous written or verbal representations, communications, and agreement versions between the Company and the Customer.

14 Severability

The Customer understands and agrees that if the court holds any term, provision, or part of this Agreement to be in conflict with the law or illegal, the remaining portion of the Agreement will continue to stay valid and in effect. Both obligations and rights of the Customers will continue to remain in force as if the Agreement never included particular term, provision, or part deemed invalid.

15. Law Governing

Both the Company and the Customer agree and understand that the country’s law where the Company has its principal business shall govern this Agreement.

16. Place of Suit

Any judicial proceedings and actions to enforce this Agreement or its provisions shall happen in the court of jurisdiction and country where the Company holds its principal business or in a different place upon the Company’s determination.

17. Other Jurisdictions

The Company does not imply or represent that the Products or Services offered on its platform are available and/or appropriate for all locations. Those who use or access the Services or this website from a location prohibiting use of such services are solely responsible for their actions and compliance with their local laws.

18. Personal Data

Here is how the Company defines legal terms for Personal Data processing.

  • Consent – The Customer’s clear agreement and indication to the Company to process personal data for a particular purpose.
  • Contract – List of reasons and details why a specific process is necessary based on Agreement between the Customer and the Company. It also includes the instance the Company’s representative asks you to perform particular steps before entering into an agreement/contract.
  • Legitimate Interests – Refers to all the reasons Customer’s data processing is necessary based on the legitimacy of the Company’s interests and that of the third party, provided Customer’s interests and rights do not outweigh Company’s and/or third party’s interest. The legitimacy of the interest is:
    • Gaining valuable insight into Customer’ behavior when using the website
    • Enabling Company’s website to customize, enhance, and/or modify its features and services
    • Enhancing data security
    • Developing, improving, and delivering the website
    • Determining if the marketing campaign is effective

18.1 Privacy Statement and Notice

The Company is committed to the security, protection, and privacy of the Customers using the website from a mobile or any other device. All the data collected from this website is compliant with the EU GDPR principles, i.e., Data Protection Act 1998 and 2018. By accessing this website, the Customer automatically agrees to the terms of Privacy Policy on this website and gives consent to the Company’s collecting, processing, using, and/or transferring of personal data as per the policy.

18.2 Information Collected and Used

18.2.1 When a Customer visits this website, the site automatically collects and stores standard personal information. These include browser type, IP address, access time, etc., and the Company only gathers this information for internal use, which is as follows:

  • The Company uses an IP address to generate collective statistics on website usage. The access time and browser type help improve content’s quality and the Support Team’s efficiency.
  • The Company uses personal information such as name, address, and email or phone number at the time of Customer’s account registration. Another way is when a Customer provides personal information while contacting a representative on this site via email, phone, live chat, and internal messaging system.

18.3 Billing and Personal Information Customer Provides

18.3.1 This website collects and stores Customers’ personal information, including name, billing address, phone numbers, and the email address provided in a registration form. Another collection medium is direct communication with our representative via email, phone call, or live chat prior to or after the Customer’s registration. The Company collects and securely stores customers’ information in data exclusively for internal use. A Customer must provide valid information as the Company will use it for identity as well as payment verification. However, fields marked with an asterisk (*) sign on the registration form are required to be filled out. A Customer must also provide alternative email addresses and phone numbers for efficient communication.

18.3.2 The Company may use Customer’s email addresses for sending updates on policies, terms and conditions, and agreements and any other documents pertaining to regulating this website. Upon providing contact information such as phone number and email address, a Customer gives consent to the Company to initiate contact for promotional purposes. A Customer is entitled to unsubscribe from any promotional emails by simply following instructions mentioned within the email sent by the platform. A Customer may also request the Company to stop the incoming calls with promotional offers by writing an email or contacting the Support Team through live chat.

18.3.3 The Company may request Customers to provide additional information apart from the information provided through Order and registration forms. This can be a requirement to verify the Customer’s identity and payments received for the Orders. If a Customer refuses to provide this information, the Company may refuse to render service, process, or complete an Order.

18.3.4. If a Customer fills in the billing information on this website, the payment processor will receive this information and use it to process the Payment. The Company’s representatives do not have any access to the Customer’s credit card information. Only a secure payment processor will receive these details and ONLY use the information to process an authorized payment for a specific order.

18.3.5 The Company does not share any of the Customer’s personal information with a third party without the Customer’s consent received in writing. However, this provision does not apply to identification of data and personal information the Customer provides with instructions for the Order’s completion, including additional files and materials. (For more information, Read “Order Instructions and Additional Material.”)

18.3.6 The Customer can remove their name as well as a phone number from the Company’s database by submitting a written request. Other information that a Customer may request in writing to delete is Order’s information and email address. It will take up to 14 days for the Company to remove the Customer’s information from the account and data after receiving the request.

18.4 Why Company Collects Your Information

18.4.1. This Platform collects Customer’s personal information for:

  • Providing Services
  • Improving the website
  • Keeping the website running smoothly
  • Offering customer support
  • For marketing purposes upon Customer’s request

18.4.2 The Company will not provide or sell the Customer’s data to third parties without the Customer’s consent. All of the remaining data will be processed as per the EU GDPR 2018 and other laws.

18.5 This Platform Collect Data When Customer Interacts with the Website

These include:

  • Customer browsing web pages of the website
  • A Company representative calls you
  • Using this website
  • Receiving emails from the Company
  • Customer chatting a Support Team representative
  • Customer connecting integrations
  • Customer opting in for receiving marketing emails

18.6 The Company will delete the Customer’s personal data from the records no later than 10 years from the last time the Customer uses this website.

18.7. The Customer has the right to access their data held by the Company. However, the Customer must make this request in writing along with proof of identification. This is necessary in order to protect data and prevent its exposure to an unauthorized entity and parties.

19. Scope and Purpose

This platform does not knowingly attempt to or encourage soliciting and receiving information from underage children below the age of 16. The Company acknowledges and understands Customer’s concerns about their personal privacy interests, and Company takes it very seriously. The Company’s Privacy Policy details all of the Company practices on collecting and using Customer’s personal information and how to protect the Customer’s privacy rights.

20. Consent Withdrawal

20.1 after giving the consent for personal data processing, the Customer has every right to withdraw this consent by emailing the Company at any time. Find the email address on ‘Contact Us’ Page.

20.2. If a Customer withdraws the consent and the Company has no legal grounds for processing the Customer’s data anymore, the Company will stop your personal data’s processing.

20.3 In case this website has some legal grounds for processing the Customer’s data, the Company may continue to process the data subject to the Customer’s legal rights and interests.

21 CCPA – California Privacy Rights (For California Residents)

Under Section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, Californian residents enjoy the rights under specific circumstances to receive the following information (once a year) about any or all third parties. The Company shares Customer’s and their family’s information with for marketing for that particular calendar year. Company shares information about the description of what type of personal information was shared, and the description of the nature of third-party’s business the information was shared with.

To request this information, the Customer must write an email to support@essaywritinglab.co.uk. Please include “California Privacy Request” in the email’s subject line when requesting information through an email. A Customer must also identify the website’s domain name they are inquiring about. Please also provide your name, mailing address, email address in such requests. The Company responds within a reasonable time frame.

22. Security

The Company has deployed adequate organizational and security protocols and processes to protect Customer’s data. All the employees and contractors working for the Company are under obligation to abide by the security and data processing policies and agreements. This enables them to follow and maintain adequate organizational and technical measures. The Company has an internal procedure for information security with website encryption using 256-bit SSL with a SHA2 ECDSA algorithm assuring the website’s integrity. The servers used by the Company comply with strict and latest international data security laws and standards, including ISO 27001

However, the Customer must acknowledge that a perfect security infrastructure does not exist. Therefore, no data transmission comes with a guarantee of 100% security. There will always be a minimum security risk involved.

The Customer is responsible for their login details and password and must keep this information confidential at all times.

In case a Customer suspects a breach of privacy, please contact us immediately at support@essaywritinglab.co.uk.